How to Size Up a Black Bear: 10 Criteria
A wild bear, upon first sight, always appears enormous. That’s why, on your first bear hunt, you shouldn’t kill the first bear you see. Only if your skilled guide suddenly hisses “Take him!” should you consider breaking this rule.Examining a bear’s physical characteristics is the most reliable way to tell if it is an adult bear worth killing or a juvenile to be avoided. Beyond those indicators, observing the bear’s personality and its interactions with other bears might shed light on its age, size, and social standing.
- Initial Impressions
A huge bear could be the first thing that comes to mind. However, one shouldn’t always rely on one’s first impressions. It would be difficult, for example, to estimate the bear’s size if there were nothing else of comparable mass in the vicinity. It is quite hard to estimate size in the wild if it goes out into a coastal flat or into a clover field.
Bear hunters might use the bait’s container as an indicator of the bear’s size. In this situation, the outfitter will provide suggestions based on the size of the barrel. Certain length logs are also placed out by some guides. The bear is kept if its length is greater than that of the log.